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Developing Resilience when it’s Time to Rise with Anne Pao


In this insightful episode, I had the pleasure of connecting with Anne Pao, CEO and founder of Ignite Consulting, to explore resilience and the critical role of self-care in leadership. Anne shares her journey from a challenging childhood to a successful corporate career, emphasizing the importance of taking pauses to recharge. 

Anne dives into the necessity of integrating self-care routines, the power of sleep, and redefining productivity to include rest. Her experiences offer valuable lessons for female leaders on sustaining resilience and achieving long-term success by prioritizing well-being and trusting oneself.

Key Takeaways

Introduction to Resilience (00:00:01)

The importance of resilience, especially in Q4.

Running Away Decision (00:04:02)

At 12, Anne considers running away but chooses to focus on academics instead, demonstrating resilience.

Burnout and Recovery (00:10:36)

Anne shares her experience with burnout during the pandemic and the importance of taking a break for self-care.

Trusting Yourself (00:15:22)

Anne discusses the importance of self-trust in making decisions, especially regarding taking a pause.

Finding Your Reset (00:22:44)

Anne shares her personal reset activities, emphasizing the need for a routine to clear the mind.

The Importance of Sleep (00:24:43)

Highlighting sleep’s role in growth and mental capability, encouraging better sleep habits.

Adding Social Accountability (00:25:06)

Incorporating social accountability to enhance commitment to self-care routines is key.

If you’d like to connect to discuss how I can help you or your team with coaching, speaking, or about early access to my upcoming book due out just prior to IDW 2025, let’s talk soon!

To your next level of success and joy,



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