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Mastering Cybersecurity and Leadership: Insights from Christine Bartlett, CMO of SonicWall


In this fascinating Fearless Female Leader Interview, I had the honor of sitting down with Christine Bartlett, CMO of SonicWall, in an important discussion on the intersection of personal online protection and cybersecurity. 

Christine shares her formative experiences, from altruistic childhood acts to valuable lessons in Americorps, shaping her leadership in the tech industry. 

She speaks of the nuances of being a female executive, the significance of male allies, and the competitive dynamics among women leaders. Christine shares her personal anecdotes on job interview setbacks and then emerging to be an even more successful resilient leader.

Our conversation transitions to simple and actionable cybersecurity advice (a must-listen!), emphasizing multi-factor authentication, device connectivity limitations, and data backup. 

This interview really highlights the importance of device inventory management and advocating for women's mentorship in cybersecurity, offering executive-level insights on safeguarding against digital threats while fostering female empowerment in a male-dominated field.

Key Takeaways

Navigating challenges in the workplace (00:08:28)
Christine discusses her experiences as a woman in marketing and technology, highlighting the importance of male allies and navigating challenges in working with female peers.

Supporting women in leadership (00:11:13)
The conversation shifts to the importance of supporting female peers and leaders in their career growth, emphasizing the need for women to uplift each other.

Cybersecurity protection (00:19:08)
The discussion focuses on the importance of cybersecurity awareness, including enabling multi factor authentication, minimizing device connections, and backing up data.

Cybersecurity Awareness (00:23:29)
Discussion on the importance of basic cybersecurity measures and personal experiences with data loss.

Supporting Women in Leadership (00:28:33)
Encouragement to lift each other up and support women in leadership roles for a more inclusive environment.

To stay up-to-date with future interviews and gain valuable resources on building mindset and influence to have an even bigger voice and impact with your leadership, be sure to join our Fearless Female Leader community at, or please email me directly at [email protected] if I can help you, your team, or organization in any way.

To your next level of success and joy,



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