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The Future of Companies Depends on all of Our Voices Being Heard - Negotiations 101


Gaining buy-in 101: The future of companies depends on YOUR and YOUR team’s voices being heard.

Women have been in leadership since the beginning of time, and wouldn’t you agree that it’s important now more than ever for YOUR voice to be heard?

For your voice to be heard by your leadership and to gain buy-in, it’s important to understand the importance of learning and caring about the other person's perspective and feelings to establish trust and influence effectively. 

So how can you do this?

Whether it's for an idea, promotion, or salary negotiation, it’s not always about us.  That’s right.  Communicating our experience and expertise is vital, but it’s not what we lead with. If we do, it’s like asking someone to marry you after the first date, not likely to work out well!

The first thing that is important is to get to know the other person involved in the negotiation and make sure you are speaking to something that they care about.

Prepare as if success is inevitable and prepare as if you are them.

Questions to ask yourself are: If I am this person, what is most important to me? If I am the other person, what is the number one thing that will make me feel safe that I’m making a good choice if they say ‘yes’?

  • Before the negotiation, gather as much information as possible about the other party. This includes their goals, challenges, and any previous interactions you’ve had with them.
  • During the negotiation, practice active listening. Pay attention not just to what is being said, but also to non-verbal cues that can provide insights into their priorities.
  • Encourage the other party to share their thoughts and concerns by asking open-ended questions. This can help you uncover what truly matters to them.
  • Understanding what drives the other person can help tailor your negotiation strategy to address those interests. For instance, if you know that the other party values long-term stability over short-term gains, you can frame your proposal in a way that highlights the long-term benefits.

How Does the Other Person Want to Feel When the Negotiation Concludes?

  • Identify Desired Emotions:** Consider how the other party wishes to feel at the end of the negotiation. Do they want to feel respected, valued, or secure?
  • Tailor your proposals to align with these desired emotions. For example, if the other party wants to feel respected, ensure that your language and approach convey respect and appreciation for their perspective.
  • During the negotiation, acknowledge the other party’s emotions. This can help build rapport and create a more positive atmosphere.
  • Emotions play a significant role in decision-making. By considering how the other party wishes to feel, you can frame your proposals in a way that aligns with those emotional outcomes, increasing the likelihood of a successful negotiation.

What Will Make the Other Person Feel Safe That They are Making a Good Choice if They Say Yes?

  • Ensure that the negotiation environment is conducive to open and honest communication. This includes choosing a neutral location and setting a collaborative tone.
  • Proactively address any concerns or fears the other party may have. This can involve providing reassurances or offering guarantees that mitigate perceived risks.
  • Establish trust by being transparent and consistent in your communication. Follow through on any commitments you make during the negotiation.
  • Safety is a fundamental human need, particularly in negotiations where decisions can feel risky. If the other party feels threatened or uncertain about the outcome, they are less likely to engage positively. By ensuring that the other person feels secure in their decision-making, you can foster a more collaborative atmosphere.

By focusing on the other person’s priorities, emotions, and sense of safety, female leaders can create a more effective and influential negotiation strategy. This approach not only benefits the negotiation process but also contributes to a culture of inclusivity and respect, which is essential for successful leadership.

Keep this in mind the next time you go into a negotiation, and remember that what you bring to the table is very important but not to begin the conversation.

If you are serious about building a culture of inclusivity where Fearless Female Leaders are accessing and sustaining their best, join the Fearless Female Leader 1 Million Movement  (#FFL1MM) by scheduling a time to speak with me about coaching, speaking, training, or inquiring about my upcoming ‘Fearless Female Leadership’ book, due out early 2025  

Let’s do this, together!



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