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Unlocking Customer Success: Building Relationships and Driving Growth - an Interview with Lara Barnes

customer success Jul 31, 2024

I had the pleasure of speaking with Lara Barnes, a seasoned Customer Success executive with a distinguished career at Microsoft, Facebook, Oracle and Sitecore.

Lara shares her journey of building impactful Customer Success teams, emphasizing the importance of understanding the entire customer journey and key metrics for retention and growth in the SaaS industry.

We also explore Lara's personal development over the past six months, highlighting her newfound clarity and aspirations for executive leadership roles. This conversation provides valuable insights for female leaders aiming to build their focus and drive significant business outcomes through customer success strategies.

Key Takeaways:

Importance of Customer Success (00:02:30)
Discussion on understanding the customer journey and building value realization frameworks.

Consequences of Poor Customer Success (00:03:30)
Lara explains the risks of not guiding customers effectively, leading to churn and ultimately...

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