Latest Blog Article: The Importance of Women in Our Evolving Workplace - Interview with Katy Conway

Achieving Olympic-Level Focus: End of Summer Reset

olympics summer reset Aug 23, 2024

Something I heard from a female executive client yesterday is: ‘While I’m confident in my leadership abilities, I am not so good at pausing to reassess ‘what’s next’ for me or resetting my goals and legacy that I’d like to leave.’ 

As the summer season draws to an end, I find it an opportune time to reassess and realign my personal and professional goals. In the video below, I share my personal approach to my own summer reset—habits and goals I have focused on during these months.

The Myth of Perfection in Leadership

One of the key takeaways from this is the acknowledgment that even coaches and leaders are constantly evolving. I don’t buy into the myth that leaders have everything figured out when it comes to habits and routines. It’s important to understand that the journey towards improvement is ongoing and that perfection is not the goal. This perspective is crucial for female leaders who often face immense pressure...

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