Spark a Leadership Revolution with the FEARLESS FEMALE LEADERSHIP JOURNEY

Enterprise Digital Curriculum:

  • Achieve higher levels of team, talent, and business impact.
  • Drive better engagement, retention, innovation, and profitability across your entire organization.
  • Empower and equip women to leverage their unique gifts and experience.



Spark a Leadership Revolution with the FEARLESS FEMALE LEADERSHIP JOURNEY

Enterprise Digital Curriculum:

  • Achieve higher levels of team, talent, and business impact
  • Drive better engagement, retention, innovation, and profitability across your entire organization
  • Empower and equip women to leverage their unique gifts and experience.

Make 2024 Your Best Year

Get a peak into the Fearless Female Leadership Journey:

  • Step into 2024 with clarity about what you want & with a plan to make it happen
  • Become inspired, energized, and in control again
  • Learn & apply Sheryl’s powerful, life-changing, science-backed curriculum

Get ready to make 2024 your best year.

Start today with a complimentary first digital lesson. 100% FREE!


Empowering Fearless Female Leadership


Enterprise Digital Curriculum

Developed with a proven framework, the Fearless Female Leadership Journey empowers and equips women to leverage their unique gifts and experience to achieve higher levels of team, talent, and business impact. Drive better engagement, retention, innovation, and profitability across your entire organization.


1:1 and Cohort Private Coaching

As a Certified High Performance Coach, Sheryl offers 1:1 and cohort private coaching that empowers female leaders with science-backed and transformative Mental Toughness and High Performance strategies and insights—fostering decisive leadership and enhanced influence for impactful, long-term success.


Speaking and Training Engagements

Sheryl works with businesses and organizations that want to drive High Performance. Her presentations, training workshops and group talks on Mental Toughness have inspired and enlightened audiences at Google Ventures, Bank of America, Microsoft, VMware, Jabra and Women in Cloud to name a few.


About Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

I’m a mother of 3, and Mental Toughness and High-Performance executive coach to some of the most prolific women leaders in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and across the country. I’m also a speaker, best-selling author, CEO/Founder of The Zone Lab, LLC as well as a fierce believer in the light and power within each one of us.

For the last 25 years, I have been working with world-class athletes, Olympians, female leaders, and their teams to build Olympic-like confidence and FBI level negotiation strategies. This is so they can influence their leadership, peers, and board to be heard, valued, and respected agents of change.

I have also sat on panels and conducted local and global mental toughness and high performance workshops at WIT Network, Google Ventures, Jabra, Oracle, Autodesk, Microsoft, Capital One, Pixar, VMware, Berkeley Haas School of Business, SHRM, CREW, Insight, State Street Global Advisors, and Bank of America to name a few.

What People Say About Sheryl

Gavriella Schuster

Former Corporate Vice President, Microsoft, CEO, Board Member

"The Fearless Female Leadership Journey really prepares female leaders and emerging leaders for the marathon ahead and not just for a short-term sprint. Systemic change takes work, support, and it takes leadership. Sheryl’s proven process is driving that change across the spectrum of business."

Amy Bunszel

EVP, Architecture, Engineering and Construction Design, Autodesk

"The Fearless Female Leadership content is well-thought out, innovative and impactful. Sheryl provided clear actionable take-aways on how to be more MentallyTough and influential, especially in high pressure situations."

Christina West

Senior Partner | Executive Team, OTG Consulting

"Sheryl and her Fearless Female Leadership system has helped me go from playing smaller than I could in terms of my title and area of influence, despite a high level of expertise to recognizing my title as CRO and speaking up about it. I now own my worth, and I’m positioned accurately with more confidence than ever. This makes me feel much more powerful and in control of my destiny. This is a win/win for myself and my organization."

Kristy Wallace

Former CEO, Ellevate Network, Advisor, Board Member

"I think we are all looking to align our purpose and work for the greater community and world. This program really prepares individuals and teams for the marathon ahead and not just for a short-term sprint. Systemic change takes work, and it takes leadership. Sheryl’s Fearless Female Leadership program is driving that change across the spectrum of business."



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Feeling stuck? Time For a Pause...

Sep 01, 2024

Listen to a Recent Fearless Female Leadership Podcast

Want to Unlock the Fearless Female Leader Within You?

This is the one and ONLY step-by-step coaching system specifically for ambitious, heart-centered female leaders, emerging leaders, and male allies. Go from feeling silenced, stuck, or overlooked to being Fearless Female Leaders who are heard, supported, and recognized.


Become a Fearless Female Leader Today


Contact Us


Find out if the Fearless Female Leadership Journey enterprise digital curriculum, coaching or speaking engagements are right for you, your department, or your team.

Book a time to speak with Sheryl via phone or Zoom video conference.

Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC
The Zone Lab, LLC
36 Olympic Oaks Drive
Lafayette, CA 94549
[email protected] 
(925) 257-4257 

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Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

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